Sunday, June 19, 2011

One Inch.... a time. Part 2.

Sunday morning yoga class.... Our teacher always does a stellar meditation at the beginning and today we focused on the root chakra, Muldahara, the four petaled lotus at the base of the spine. For me, the root chakra is always about grounding and being in my body (since I'm often in my head!). She also asked us to set an intention for our practice.

My intention, which often becomes my mantra for the day, is often "One Inch at a Time." I have to remember ahimsa, the first yama of yoga. It means "do no harm" to ourselves or others. To me it means remembering that my body doesn't always want to go where my mind wants it to go. And after 75 minutes of yoga, there are muscles screaming!

I remembered today some of the things I love about yoga. The slow stretches, the focused breathing to support the poses. I feel micro movements, subtle adjustments, and lengthening in poses. Sometimes I feel a strength coming up from my toes to hold an asana. My intention is always to go just an inch further or a few seconds longer.... sometimes I do, sometimes I can't.

There are good yoga days and not so good yoga days. Today was a good one.

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