Thursday, June 2, 2011

I walked in.... my first yoga class over 12 years ago. It was at a local health club, one of those free-with-membership classes. The teacher (who I will call K1) was more of a narrator than a teacher. He didn't really teach, he just called out poses from the front of the room, rarely walking around the room to correct postures. I depended on those around me ... watching their poses and attempting to copy them. I made it through the class and something resonated with me. I liked it. I liked it a lot.

As I continued to attend K1's classes, I became more familiar with the postures and names. At first, I admit, I didn't know a down dog from a hot dog, but I persisted.

I've never been an athlete. I came from sturdy German/Scottish stock. I never really learned to run nor to enjoy it. I struggled in every gym class except swimming. Got pretty good at that. I danced for years, but didn't have a dancer's body. Too much hip. I can get flexible but never saw myself as excelling at sports, except as a spectator.

When I started yoga, I went to the club as an escape from an emotionally abusive relationship. It was better than going home. I spent hours on the treadmill or the bike, sweating like mad, but not losing any weight. Yoga classes were part of that escape.

Soon I was attending 5 or 6 classes a week. It was one time I could be in my own body, and not think about the chaos at home. I added a flow class with another teacher, K2, who actually did teach.

Finally, the abuser moved out. I kept going to yoga. Something, although I didn't know what, resonated with me. My mind would quiet, my body could be active and grow stronger, and I felt more connected to myself.

Over time, I was in and out of classes at a variety of locations from the gym to private facilities to using DVD's at home. In the past few months, I've regained my "yoga brain" through a new set of classes and instructors. And as I lay awake last night, I realized that I needed a venue to explore what I'm learning on the mat. I've come to a more spiritual dimension of yoga so the purpose of this blog is to explore those and record the realizations. Who knows where this journey will take me, but one of my life lessons is that its a journey not the end point that matters.


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