...on the mat.
I love the Sunday morning classes. The teacher is graceful, detailed, kind, and has the sweetest energy around her. We've been focusing on each chakra for the past 6 weeks, and today was the final installment, the crown chakra. We practiced without music today, which I do like. And from the start, I was able to deeply meditate in the resting poses.
Today, as she narrated, I could feel lots of micromovements especially in my spine and hips. Lots of little adjustments were going on (of course, just seeing my chiro helps too), and I could feel my spine and neck lengthening, even in millimeters. What kept coming to my mind was abundance. Each time I'd feel a lengthening, it was about abundance. Abundance of grace, of movement, of spirit, of community.
Then we got to full wheel (backbend) at the end. OK, I admit it, I'm terrified to full wheel. At one time, many moons ago, I could do a great backbend, even from a standing position. But the years of course, take their toll. And now between wrists and neck and low back, full wheel would be nice but.....
I suddenly remember my father commenting that if I did a backbend every day, I'd never lose it. And although we had sort of a love/hate relationship, I have to give this one to him. I stopped doing backbends in high school.
But even that thought, and a tad of grief over this loss of mobility, did not take from the sensation of abundance that I felt on the mat this morning.
During final savasana, I truly drifted somewhere. I have no idea what the teacher said at that pont, I was totally quiet in mind and body and not even aware of the surroundings. That is abundance.
Om Shanti ....
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