As I was driving to work this morning, I noticed how there was a literal dance of cars on the main drag. There was a logging truck ahead of me, a mini cooper to the right, and the usual band of idiots trying to make left turns into traffic. One almost got clobbered and the oncoming traffic didn't stop.
It felt like a major jig saw puzzle to me. Each vehicle had its place And if they were attempting to fit into another slot, one in which they didn't belong, they wouldn't fit. And of course, then there would be consequences. I uttered a silent prayer that I would stay on my path and fit where I was destined to be... and not have some other piece of hardware try to occupy my space in that moment.
Vehicles (well, drivers) don't always appreciate the laws of physics or energy. While energy can merge and blend, isn't there a law of physics that says two solid objects can't occupy the same space at the same time?
I got past the icky part of the trip and headed to campus, blissfully aware of the thinner traffic now that spring break is in progress. It became a peaceful start to the day.
May we all find our place in the puzzle....